Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Ceghite Kampus #1

haaa musim exam ni rajin pulak aku nak tulis kat blog nih. hahaa
alkesah sebab aku minggu ni saja memang hadap laptop je keje. Habiskan assignment dan report projek. Uia tak buat study week dah. Ada study days je, yakni ada beberapa hari sahaja selepas kelas terakhir sebelum hari pertama final.
Tu belum masuk yang subjek decentralized.

Kali ni aku nak bawa blogpost series. Ceghite Kampus. Kisah-kisah dan cerita hidup yang pernah aku alami sepanjang berada di kampus uia gombak ni. Bila dah tahun akhir ni, lain macam sikit mood dye. hahaaa Sekadar nak bercerita, tak tahu la menarik ke tak. Macam ya macam tak. huahuaa
Konsep lebih kepada cerita2 yang berlaku pada aku atau aku yang buat. heee

Kali ni series yang pertama. Harap aku istiqomah la buat series ni..hehe


Pasal letupan kecil dengan percikan bunga api cah cah cah.

courtesy from www.blackhorsebeamish.co.uk
Kejadian ni semester lepas. Kes dengan electric kettle.
Masa tu nak buat air ke nak masak maggi. Lupa dah. haha

Alkisah, alang2 nak g amik wuduk, nak masak air la. Lepas solat boleh terus kacau air, haaa nak buat air. petang masa tu.
Maka sembahyang la aku. Kettle tu kat depan aku atas papan seterika. Tengah solat tu dengan tenang tu. Kan kalau kita masak air guna electric kettle tu, Part last bila air dah nak masak, Dye punya gelegak kuat kan. Tapi masa tu kuat lain macam. Siap berasap. Boleh bau terbakar lagi.

Cuak masa tu, ya Allah..tak tahulaa. Nasib baik pakai direct dengan plug point. Bukan pakai extension. Orang kata kalau pakai extension lagi bahaya. Air tu aku acah2 minum. Rasa hangit weh. hahaha

Maka tamatlah riwayat hidup kettle tu yang dah bersama sejak zaman asasi yakni sudah hampir 4 tahun lamanya. Maka terbangla RM50 membeli kettle yang baru. hahaa alhamdullilah

Kes kedua semester ni. Masih lagi dengan percikan bunga api cah cah cah.

Charger phone yang murah tu dengan kabel warna yang murah tu. Nak jadikan kisah, masa tu hujan. Charger tu basah skit. Aku dah lap elok dahh, tak tahu pulak masuk jugak air dalam body charger tu.

Masa aku on plug point. Cazzzz meletup depan aku charger tu. Nasib baik dye meletup dalam charger tu je. Nampak la percikan bunga api tu. Dah satu hal. Maka berhuhu la aku meminjam charger dengan roommate.

Pergila aku ke kedai membeli charger baru. jenis yang sama, kabel remax. Pertama kali beli, rosak. Pergi tukar. Dapat la yang baru. Yang kedua tu, tak sampai 5 kali aku rasa pakai. Meletup jugak. Kali ni bukan basah. Aku tak tahu sebab apa. hahaa Bangun je dari tidur, ehh kenapa tak naik peratus bateri ni. Rupanya sudah tamat jua.

Maka berhuhuhuu lagi guna charger roommate sekali lagi.

Sejak itu, aku dah serik nak beli charger yang jenis gitu rupa. Maka aku ke kedai lain membeli charger baru. Sekali beli laju charger baru 2.0. Suka nya hati ini. hahaha

Yang paling best dua dua plug point dalam bilik aku rosak. Maka berhuhuhu la untuk beberapa hari. Terima kasih la akak ofis mahallah dan abang technician buat kerja laju. Report pagi, esok dah setel.. Terbaiikkk


Lessons learnt:

courtesy from www.maxdraw.it
1) Setiap apa yang berlaku ada hikmah. Hikmahnya aku dapat charger yang lagi laju dan pakai kettle yang memang aku usha (design) lama dah. hahaa

2) Beli yang mahal sikit untuk kegunaan lama tak apa. Semakin besar ni kena pandai invest duit ke mana.

3) Jangan gedik bagi charger telefon kena air.


Sekian. hehe Baru warm up nih.

budak tahun akhir

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Okey, aku ada crush kat archery sejak sekolah menengah dulu. It was 6 years back, I guess (omoo dah lama tinggal sekolah). hahaha
At that ime, ada this one coach and national team came to my school untuk recruit new potential atlet for archery. I was so eager at that time to try out even I know that I was not that atlet type sangat. hahaha. But it was archery kottt. To get play archery is soooo cool. hehe

I did went to the first training days back then. But after that it was mystery. hahaa The coach was not coming and I didnt know if anyone was selected. 

So upon hearing of having archery skill offered at my uni. Of course I will take this advantage, and I did it! hahaha Aku bersungguh gile masa interview kelas archery, that was in my second year. The tests given by Sir Rudi (our instructor cum coach) comprises many skill. Skill on balance ourself, endurance and also got skill on testing how our brain works! hahaa
I lost marks on balance test I guess because I didnt have enough sleep at night before.

To tell you, I was going there alone and did not bother others. hahaa as long as I can make it. Sampai tahap tu bersungguhnya.

During early semester taking those classes, there was always one girl came up late and with her muka sembil ask around what had the coach taught. Yehh that girl was me! hahaha

Nobody want to entertain me. They all have their gang. I dont have gang in that class. haha Until this one sweetheart poked me and tell me everything for the class' lessons. Her name is Maryam. You must proud if you read this but I'm guessing you couldn't. haha

I was being together with them for three semester. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to join the class this semester because of some conflict with my courses. So sad. huhu
The happy thing is they still regard me as their classmate! They are all so sweet! I'm going smiling all over my face for missing them one day. huhuu

I might join next semester archery class but not with them anymore (after I settled my course problem) hurmmmm 

So, on last 7th May 2016..we had family day at Qiffah's house. The mastermind were four of us, aku farah qiffah and haikal. Because only these four showed up for the meeting hahaha (it was during week with submission due and everything). We planned everything within two weeks and it was a success. Alhamdullilah. Thank you Qiffah and family for the great hospitality u gave us! :D Btw thank you for the RMSY cheese naan too after we went for that shopping! It was so good! hahaha

To share with you, our peak moment and our friendship blooming like the best thing ever happened was during the tournament last year where we were the organizer of the event. Sebenarnya, masa tu la baru kenal siapa budak ni, siapa budak tu. hahaha But we did a great job guys! I was so proud with my prep and tech team. they were just awesome! 

Tomorrow is their final exam for this course (because I'm not taking it) hahaha, so I volunteer to act as "angpau giver" to them tomorrow. It is actually extra money from our previous event. And I'm gonna join them eat breakfast. Of course I know how to menyibuk.. hahaha

Here are some pictures of us together. U guys are one of the sweetheart that give me light and warm presence to me during my stay here in uia. 

masa ni bad tudung day and it was hot. hahaa oh! that is maryam

was in the serious discussion with PM to built-in prize giving ceremony platform haha

dua hero dalam prep tech. kudos guys!

one of my prep tech girl hehee :D

some members of the class did not show up for this pic (dah balik awal..huhu)

during tournament at UPM
sanggup aku screenshot haaaa

most recent picture: family day at Qiffah's house
 May Allah bless this friendship forever and hope we can contact each other for loonggg longgg time in future. Thank you so much to Sir Rudy and Colonel Rahman for enlighten us with the skill and knowledge. May Allah s.w.t. grants both of you good health and keep you both in His blessing. aamiinn.


Thursday, 5 May 2016


Irresponsible atau dalam bahasa melayu nya bermaksud, tidak bertanggungjawab.

Ya, itu yang aku dapat hari ini. For me to acknowledge it by myself, it can be accepted in some way. But to hear it from other person, it hurts. It hurts really bad. Because it is true.

Bukan aku tak mengaku tu salah aku, tapi dengar dari orang lain dengan nada terus terang, mendatar dan tanpa reaksi muka. Entahla. Aku jadi blank. Dalam hati nak jerit dah, tapi otak blank, mata dah berkaca. Ego tinggi mungkin. Tapi aku tahu tu memang salah aku.

Aku tak reti cerita. Tapi aku tahu salah aku. Aku cuma doa dan harap Tuhan kuatkan aku. Hari hari aku mintak doa mintak Tuhan tolong aku. Bukan aku tak nak. Okey, ada masa memang aku sengaja buat salah tu.

Pokoknya aku nak cerita kat sini, remember guys, your irresponsible attitude will not just effect you. It will effect those people around you. Your family to be specific. Kholas.

Moga ada amal aku yang dikira baik oleh Tuhan. aamiinn.

ps: sekadar coretan.