Saturday, 27 April 2013

dear friends,

i love u all so much lillah
miss u all damn much
remember u for every day
keep stalking at ur fb profile
keep strolling ur tweets
once in a while
i visit ur blog

i read how best friend always share their story together
but it is not really me
i rarely share something that i really thought deep in my heart

i am sorry
i am not good in giving u things
neither giving u good advice

one thing for sure
i am really GRATEFUL to know u all
coz each one of u is so AWESOME

dear heart,

please be gentle to urself
do not make assumptions
it will hurt
be nice
it will be fine
remember husnozon

dear iman,

believes that u r not so alone
Allah is there for u
make duas
make duas for ur beloved friends

i really not good at picking words when i talk even when i write
coz i not good in expression

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

chip chip

Bismillah wa Alhamdullilah


Jam menunjukkan 5.35 pagi
dan aku masih lagi tidak tidur sebenarnya
dah tidur melimpah ruah hari siang nya
ini lah padahnya

Sedang leka melayari internet
update berita baru
latest events and announcements dari pangkalan data uni
aku dengar
bunyi burung!!
rindunya bunyi burung-burung nih
burung bersiul gituu kan

Antara dua seni yang Allah cipta
yang paling aku suka dan kagum
corak awan dan bintang di kanvas langit
dan bunyi burung bersiul di pagi hari!

Wallahualam =D

# tekak meminta-minta bibimbap dan sushi nih!hehe

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Menelaah gambar JOM !

Assalamualaikum and weee~~

i got these two packages from my sista *excited

serunding dibawa khas oleh Pos Malaysia. haha

mud choc cookies homemade juga dibawa terus oleh Pos Malaysia

ni gimik FINAL EXAM 

okay. till then. =))

Nota : Selamat Pulang

Assalamualaikum awesome people!

You are awesome coz you are reading my blog. Walawey haha

Its been a week since mid semester break. This week aku ade 2 paper, and 1 paper mid term menanti aku on friday next week. Hari ni aku ada paper accounting yang super duoer awesome cool dan bermacam lagi umpama naik kapal ngan Captain Jack Sparrow. *angkat kening sebelah guna jari

Hendak diceritakan, balik rumah naik bas malam maka sampai rumah waktu subuh.

Sesampainya aku di rumah, aku masuk bilik and i found THIS notes and PRESENT! and it was from my little sister! terharu bak hang =D

ni la hadiahnya! 

Lagipun aku dah habaq kat dye awal-awal yang aku beli buku Alice in Wonderlands. Memang excited la adik aku ni kan. but it was so unexpected gift. hehe

Mekaseh semek =D

Monday, 1 April 2013


Assalamualaikum and smile people! =D

oh, one more thing happened today, my along baked a series of choc mud cookies! isn't it great?? hahaa
that was her first time baking without me (baked cookies). well, the book recipes bought by me. the outcome was so great! and she even send it to me, what an effort, right! i couldn't bake the biscuits, not because i can't but i won't. hahaha

and here, the picture took by her =D


till then,adios.

Hari Kek

Assalamualaikum and smile =)

today is a great day!

i got two yummy-delicious pieces of cake =D

well, i treat them as my dinner. burppp~

victoria sandwiches

red velvet (perisa ros,ihiks)

thank you a LOT for u and u yang sanggup bake and hantar kat bilik.
there are no words to describe how happy i am

well, ada masa dan jodoh. i'll bake something for u and u too =D