Sunday 10 March 2013

its just ME

Assalamualaikum everyone

Should start my writing with a smile. isn't it? =D

but my heart doesn't say so. just read my sis status on her fb's wall.. ya Allah, miss my family SO much right now!
for reasons, i act tough at campus so i would not look like i'm missing home badly actually, sometime. well, this is my choice, getting enrolled in this university two years back started with my foundation here.
the most i want to see everyday is my dad's smile and eat my mom's cooking. laughing and teasing with my noisy siblings. and my awesome anak buah.
and i'm sure whoever that chose to be part of this..,part of being a student, part of being someone in future, that got to be away from family will surface this kind of emotion. not much but at least.

and when that kinds of feeling are getting around you, it encourages you to put more effort on study, to not give up on ur problem, to be someone ur parents will proud of and much more that will push u till the ends.
but still
its just ME who can make it happens.
in the contexts of struggling and effort of course,or called as usaha dan ikhtiar.
and all that is left is tawakal to Allah

and so,whoever read this. i hope u get my point of view.
mak,ayah, chinca saranghae till jannah.

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