Aku tahu tajuk post macam cacthy gempak kew? hahaa
Tapi aku nak mengabadikan memori itu di sini. Cewahhh. Being a year older in my twenty series is fun and exciting. hahaha You cannot expect the same celebration birthday you had in the past year in your life when you were teens. Well, I am still in teen category (by age). hahaa
To be short, it's great to have birthday celebration especially with your loved one. Tapi, aku akan rasa bersalah dan gumbira pada masa yang sama. Paranoid thingy. kahkahh
So, this year...it was not like real celebration but I am considering it as mine! Yayy!! Narcissism detected. hahaha
As a few of my friends still mistook my birthday date a day earlier, but I am okey with it. It will be your time anyway. So, kita ilek wat kul jah. heeee
Okey so here the things. I received a slice of victoria sandwich cake 3 days before my birthday from Yong. Homemade cake it was! Her cake is so yummeyyyhhh (two thumbs up here). It was not intended for my birthday, but I was treating it like one. hahaha Suka hati laaa. :D
Annndddddd (drum rolls) bammbammbammm *sound effect*
I had two days instant fun birthday celebration that I could not ever imagine (unexpected events!). I am grateful to Allah for the opportunity, times and the memory that were instilled in my chapter of life.
A day before the date. I was planning with Yam to play archery as we had some gaps before our next paper and Kal was invited too. Two other invited guest did not show up. Tidur barangkali. hahaa. As promised, aku menapak kat sports complex pukul 7.30 pagi. Awal gilooo. But then, Yam showed up at 8 am, that was still okey. But Kal came at 9.30 am, two hours later! Nak kena sepak je sorang tuh. hahaha. Lucky him, mood aku hari tu macam baik (memang baik pon). Lepas kena berdas perlian dan kata sentapan dari aku, hahaa kiteorang pon main la. It was a short competition between me and Kal. Yam got aikido practice.
We started at 9.30 and it was hot sunny day. Padan muka sape suruh turun lambat (tuju pada Kal). kahkahh. Tapi aku tetap terharu sebab sanggup main jugak. Mungkin nak cover rasa bersalah kot. Kot la. Tapi yang penting, aku dapat main! *fireworks background*. I am a happy person. Weehuuu. Also considering that time spent on that day. hew *emoticon tutup mata please*
Then, we got our lunch together. As normal, common conversation, giggling here and there...but then suddenly after Yam got back from kiosk. She bought me a kitkat ice-cream and a sudden happy birthday wish! hahaha. It was one day earlier (they didn't know my birthday date, although she attempted it once). Sejurus selepas itu, Kal and Yam sang a birthday song to me right at the cafe! (banyak guna tanda seru, nak cakap tengah semangat,hahaa) I could barely open my eyes to look at both of them, hahaha segan weehhh. Ya Allah, tahu tak rasa happy tu tak lekang senyum kat muka. hahaa
I said thank you but I still have to tell them it was not my birthday yet, a day earlier to be exact. But then it was okey. hahaa and they fine with it. ngehh ngehhh ngehh :)
So, thank you untuk tarik troli bow case, sanggup menghitamkan diri , aiskrim sedap dan lagu! :D
Here the story on my real birthday. Jeng jeng jenggg
A week before, I plan with my senior and two of my friends (one joined us later). Kak Qil, Jah and Ijah. Four of us to go to real estate expo at balai berita nstp at Bangsar. It was coincident that we went on my birthday date. As in our planning, Jah will be our driver for the day. *drum rolls*
Lesen kereta Jah mati la pulak! Lupa nak sambung sebab birthday dia 31/12. hahaa. So, the new driver chosen was me! hahaha wehhh, tak tahu nak nervous ke nak apa. Aku tak pernah bawak kereta masuk KL hatta jalan lebih dari 10 km. Tak pernah bawa kereta auto (sebab belajar kan kereta manual). The day has come and it was on my birthday! hahaha Malam tu baru tambah resolusi 2016, nak expert bawa kereta. Ha hamek, tuhan makbul doa on the spot. Alhamdullilah.. hehe :)
Mungkin utk orang lain ni bukan big deal pon, eh hello, ni first time aku kot dan drive dalam KL, so it was a big deal to me. hahaa. Nanti dah banyak kali bawa dah tak rasa macam ni. kannzzzz
To get to our place, to the expo veneu. MashaAllah, sesat dua ploh dua kali aku rasa. hahaha. Lawak gila. Google maps kata setengah jam tapi jadi dua jam okey sebab pusing route yang sama! kahkahh
Dan akhirnya sampai la. Fuhh.. After strolling around less than one hour, we went to midvalley mall for career fair. Nampak tak tour yang pergi sangat la trip yang berilmiah. hahaaa. The mall was near from the first venue so it take a short time to arrive at midvalley mall. We got lunch and went to the career fair. Getting some templates and contacts from the vendors and then we went back.
Dah maghrib maka dah malam. Bawa kereta waktu malam (another big deal for me sebab first time,hahaa). But alhamdullilah, safely arrived at uni.
Maka, bawa kereta dalam KL, dapat voucher marrybrown (Jah bagi,haha) adalah hadiah hari jadi aku la kiranya. hahaha. But it was really fun! I am lucky for having car mates yang penyabar, penenag dan pe-meriah-kereta yang baik dan best. hohoo :D
Also, received warm birthday wishes from Pah, Zurara, Iti, Umm, Dalilah (my high school friend that we don't contact for long time), and my other kind-super cute-cantik-gojes-wish to grad together-friends. Thank you so much for the do'a(s). Moga Allah perkenankan..aamiinnn :D
And of course from my kakak and my family. :D :D
My previous birthday were also celebrated in the best way tapi kali ni decide dan teringin nak cerita kat sini. hahaa
Alhamddullilah for everything, the best present is nikmat iman dan islam yang aku dapat pegang sekarang ni.
A year closer to go back to our Creator.
the girl who is happy in her own world. kihkhkihh :D
may you have a very wonderful year ahead!! thank you for reading. Assalamualaikum.