Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Final Exam Fever.

Fever la sangat..

Eh, Assalamualaikum
Currently, the clock shows 2.24am..

Growing habit of getting late for sleep. Tak tahu dah jadi apa..lepas tu terus sambung subuh then pergi kelas, then balik bilik tidur, bangun cari makan dan seterusnya. haha
I will change this odd habit of mine soon! eh, now! just after write up this post okey :)

My life was totally messed up duringr this semester, i hope for better and bright life in next semester..aaminnn

Today is 16th December and i am counting days (the days just went off without i realizing it actually,, hahaa) for my final exam to come, it is 26th December until 7th January. But i have one paper on this 20th December for my cocu subject.

To all my friends yang tengah perang final exam sekarang, i pray all the best for you guys!! :D keep moving forward! and i hope the same for me. O Allah, guide me to pass this phase..aamiinn

Friday, 7 November 2014

hoi hoi orang jauhhh dan orang dekaaatt

Assalamualaikum :D

Rindu ber-blog. Maka, mula membaca beberapa cerita yang di-post-kan dalam blog nih. It is fun and always be. Read some of my story written here, mengimbau kenangan sangat. hahaa. Pemangkin untuk aku terus melangkah juga. Terus melangkah dan terus mencuba. Wink sikiittt. haha

So here, some pictures on what I did recently.

Be Active
Challenge Yourself
Do More
Explore More
Learn More

" I wouldn't know of my own capabilities and limit until I make the real effort to work on it "

biiznillah :)

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Ramadahan dan Syawal : Apa Aku Buat?


Dear my silent blog reader. hahaa. If any that exist. Kamsahamnida =)

Each of us yang pegang status seorang pelajar. Lagi lagi university student. Haruslah ada impian yang macam macam.
The most wanted by a student ialah menjadi seorang traveller atau kita panggil as backppacker. 
Kan, kann?
So do I. But there are also several reasons that blocks me all the way. That doesn't mean we are gonna be silent and just keep watching our dreams going away.
Do something to get it.
Do something else!!

Haha. and I did it!
It might seem common for several of us, as for me those were really new experience and I had a lot of fun too. =D

In my previous post, I wrote about I'm attending short semester this time and this is so called short semester will be gonna end in just several days! Muahaha!
This year of Ramadhan and Syawal experience is wayyyy too different from my past.
I make some troubles actually. Hehe.
A good one by what I meant it. Hahaha.

I'm only taking one subject for this sem so I have a lot of spare time doing nothing (kononnya laa :p).
I received my fund from my sponsor at end of my last semester. I should have some money that able to cover this sem expenses and fees related. But yeah, when you own the money, you didn't realized where those money spent on. Kan? Macam lesap begitu sahaja. Huahuaa.. (padahal of course la spent kat makan, keluar jalan-jalan, beli something for someone and etc.) 
Tapi macam tu la kannn, by all means I think you know what I'm trying to say kan. :)

Okey, so here what I did for my Ramadhan this year.
I was a part timer for two different jobs. It still can be related but it was different. Pikir punye pikir, timbang segala macam risiko, costs and my own capabilities. Konsep follow the flow memakan diri. Haha. 
On weekend, I worked as a cashier at one supermarket near to Gombak.
Every Thursday and Friday evening, I was a shopkeeper. 

Gila kalau cakap tak penat. Jarang lekat kat bilik. Vroomm vromm. Naik motor pi kerja. 
Osem ke idop? haha
Double triple trillions thanks to Wafa for lend me her motorcycle. Berjasa sangat sangat sangat. =D

People said, you gain something, you lose something. I had work so my attention to Ramadhan was diverted. Itu satu pengajaran dan pelajaran.

Story for Syawal is different, I'm not taking part timer job during Syawal. Balik kampung la weyy!
Its just celebrating raya as 21 years old girl that have some added value in it. Boleh terima tak? haha

After spent one week for raya celebration kat kampung. Back to my main routine and duty being a student. Balik la daku ke pangkuan tangga2 tinggi katil single di mahallah.

And this one keje gile yang aku join this week is be one of the committee for Interschool Debating Championship 12th. Jadi sub-com tolong event. This program organized by Debate Club at my uni. I have fun doing this! Experienced nerve wrecking macam aku yang masuk bertanding padahal time keeper je pon. (*.*)

This one memang keje gile because it is actually left one day before my final which is my paper will be on this Tuesday.
Okey bye.

#bagi kami

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

bila dah tua

bila dah tua nih. lain pulak ceritanya.
bila dah tua nih. khidmat bukan untuk diri sendiri sahaja.
bukan keluarga sahaja. tapi, khidmat untuk masyarakat.

siapa tak sayang keluarga, memang la nak bersama saja kalau diikutkannya.
bila dah tua nih, tak boleh nak buat macam tuh.
lain sikit atur cara hidupnya.

bila dah tuaa..

Belanje gambar dinosaurs satu. (Y)

Monday, 23 June 2014

1 2 3 Start!

My new semester begin.
Short semester is optional for students.
Currently, its a must for me.
Rabbi yasir wala tu a'sir.

Friday, 6 June 2014


rinduuu serinduuu rinduu nyaaaa

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Subuh !!

#3minggulaginakmasukbulanramadhan =)

Thursday, 5 June 2014

the end of the semester..

Assalamualaikum and good morning! (Its 2.00 am now. =D)

Yes. I am counting the days to go home!! YEZZAA!
Three more days and we will finish our second semester this year. 

Pejam celik pejam celik, kejap je dah nak balik umah.
Can't wait!
(2 bulan dah tak balik rumah hoi)

Tapiiiiii, aku tak leh nak 'merdeka' lagi. hahaa
Still need to sit for a paper by this sunday.
Dua'kan yang terbaik!

=D =D

ps: hari ni UIA banjir kilat teruk. fuhh.. nasib baik tak ada kemalangan jiwa. banyak kereta jer berenang dalam air. huhu.. tu next post okey 

till then. wallahualam.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The Colorants Project

bersama dua orang gagah TCP
acah-acah feeling dalam drama Nur Kasih

*di lokasi drama Nur Kasih
jauh yang amattttttt

tapi berbaloi-baloi gitu
thanks pak cik bas sudi bg kiteorg masa nak berfeeling nih

ok. doakan kejayaan TCP.

#beEnactus #EnactusAwesome #EMNC2014


motip post hari ini ialah
i need future planning
atau dalam novel omputeh slalu
buat to-do-list

okeh okeh
tadi ade masuk bilik kawan.
dia share ngan sorang budak junior
i was amazwd
future planning gempak and budak tu tampal kat board dye
sebab tu aku baca.. opss

but then, i was really inspired by her!
hurmm hurmm

planning tu memang la penting
bab kata omputeh lagi
' if you fail to plan, you plan to fail'

credit pic

tapi kate al-Quran (maksud ayat dalam al-Quran)
' nasib sesuatu kaum itu tidak akan berubah melainkan kaum itu sendiri yang mengubahnya'
untuk detail terjemahan
kita sebagai manusia ada daya untuk mengubah segala jenis sesuatu dalam dunia ini jika kita buat dan usahakan dengan IZIN ALLAH..
bukan dari kudrat manusia itu sendiri sahaja

aku dan kamu
sama-sama merancang
apa yang kita mahu buat sekali dengan impian kita
dan usaha apa yang perlu dilakukan!!




credit pic

insyaAllah. ini satu reminder untuk aku.

Saturday, 3 May 2014


why i bother too much about other peoples life?
they already had their own stories
i have my own shoes as well

still, why bother too much?

once, i remember what Ally said,
when u bother too much what other people said about you,
its nothing than you are selfish!
you only care about you you and you
*you is referring to me

they can smile, because they can bear the burden and the problem in their life
why you so bother about their smile and happiness?

be grateful and see ur surrounding
go! find your nearest person and tell them that you love them
tell them that you appreciate them much!

i have all kind of thoughts right now
its mixed
maybe you will say, i do have problem
no. i do not have any problem
its just my inner side that want to tell something here

when i just to start my blogging activity here
came across me a bad news from a friend of mine

again, i realize that each single person have their own stories and you just have to be grateful what life has for you. your life won't change unless you change it by yourself! initiate it! dream won't become true when you do nothing about it!

i take risk by sharing this inner thought of mine. 
people, i need your support by du'a for me, smile at me when you see me and always be positive when you are near to me =D

and,  i do wish and hope that this bulan Rejab is a beginning of my new chapter in my life. aamiinnn =D

Sunday, 13 April 2014

i am a noob baker. JYEAH!!


okey. tajuk kali ini tak nak kalah. i am a noob baker. yes, being a baker is my second passion. a baker is also only my imagination. haha

i like visit and explore cooking blogs from anywhere, particularly not based in malaysia. so, most of the ingredients used by them are not within my reach. 

here is one blog, passion for baking , all the cakes, breads, cookies, smoothies and many more are sooooo tempting every time i go to this blog.

dan nak dijadikan satu kisah. ada satu resepi roti yang guna fresh yeast. ilmu yang sangat lah kurang dalam bidang pastry ini dan noob sangat!! hahaa

aku tetiba jadi bijak pandai ikut resepi bulat2 dalam resepi yang dia bagi tu.

baiklah, here is the point, FRESH yeast is totally DIFFERent from INSTANT yeast. 

biasa kalau kita orang melayu nih, buat cengkodok ka, jemput jemput ka, roti ka, donut ka.. dan lain lain la. mesti kita guna ini instant yeast iaitu mauripan brand. haaaa, betol ke idop?

inilah instant yeast yang aku guna.

hasil dough roti yang aku dapat unimaginable and the smell is not good because of the excessive yeast used. hahaa

well, i googled some information and i found these!

copied from this website.

Fresh Yeast vs. Instant Yeast

It is common at our school to encounter the opinion that fresh yeast is superior to dry yeast. One baker even told us that when he switched from dry yeast to fresh yeast, the flavor of his bread improved. We would like to dispel the myth that fresh yeast produces better bread than dry yeast. In fact-if used properly-dry yeast will produce the exact same bread as fresh yeast. As long as the amounts are correct, the process is the same. It may even be the better choice in some situations, especially when you do not have a reliable source for fresh yeast. And, even if you do, instant yeast is a good back-up to have on hand in case you run out of fresh yeast. An unopened package of instant yeast has a shelf life of up to two years.
Active dry can be used at 50% of the weight of fresh yeast and instant dry can be used at 40% of the weight of fresh. Based on the recommendation of the yeast manufacturers, most people are under the impression that 33% is the proper conversion for instant yeast. This is true for an industrial process, but 40% is better in the artisan process, when dough temperatures are generally lower.
The instant form is the easiest to use since it does not need to be re-hydrated before adding to the dough. The only precaution is that it should not come in direct contact with cold temperatures and therefore should be mixed into the flour before adding water or added after the flour and water is incorporated.

okey, sekarang dah ada ilmu sikit sikit. hahaa
nak memudahkan lagi usaha baking roti dan sebagainya.

guna yeast conversion calculator . its easy!! 

ini adalah rupa FRESH yeast ye adik kakak.

never stop trying if you failed once. i'm learning from the mistake. i'm at the right path in becoming a NOOB baker in my own way. hahaa

and thats it for today. this is quick post to share some this very important basic knowledge about baking. hahaha

till then, wassalam. =D

Friday, 14 March 2014


assalamualaikum kawan, teman, sume lah.

being a girl and studying at mixed gender college, and of course you have a crush. ain't i right? hahaa
okey, just imagine.. okey. let say, you had once received a phone call from your crush. what is your reaction?

you will smile wide for the day. ahaks... i get the feeling too uollss.. ^^ and the smile get wider when he mention something significant to you.

and today, i phoned home to ask how are my parents doing, are they good or not.. common question when we call them =) 

and yes, first operator yang akan angkat the phone is my ayah =)

automatically he answered like this, " nak cakap ngan mok ke?" (well,after he asked how am i doing in uni, ^^ )
i was like.. "lek lu.hahaa..."
then, he replied,"mana la tahu kot segan nak cakap ngan ayah"
guess what i response to him..
hahahahaha, just laugh to cover it up
kantoi ngan ayah sendiri

the thing is, i get suprised by his statement.
haha, all this while, maybe this is what he thought of me.
yela, before this..asal cakap je, aku macam krik krik krik

that moment,once he told me the sentence
gaya aku jerit dalam hati macam ni haaa
macam ni tau
ayahhh,,sayang ayahhh lebihhhh

ayah perasan kot apa yang kita rasa
he can feels me
even thru the phone
of course he can read me
because i am his daughter

after our short conversation, continued with my mok and adik eda.
ended phone call
i smile a LOT

macam perasaan nak senyum jeee bila crush kite call kite. macam tu laa... kot..haha 
its just unexpected sense from my ayah

thats why i love both of them infinity
we should say we love them
okey, mok ayoh, i love both of you!!

don't ever you dare to hide anything from your parents,even about your feelings. without you telling them, somehow they will know it..they can feel it. that is special sense from Allah to whoever become a parents. like a sense owned by a woman. they can sense anything. watch out guys. teehee

once in high school, my ayah has mentioned to me about 'mesej ikut hati'. without saying something verbally but rather saying it in your heart. then, the other person you wished for came to you and make your dream comes true. this was happened when he need to pick me up after school but i didn't have a single cent left from my pocket money to call him. then, he showed up right after i realized i can't call him because of the zero cents i had. literally, i call it 'doa' (i just realized this 'doa' word when i write up this post).hehee =D


Sunday, 9 March 2014


The so heartbreaking news boomed the whole world with the missing plan MH370.

Ya, Allah..

Now, I'm barely open social media network because of this news. Hiba sangat bila baca sume status update. Speechless. Log in social media network untuk tahu berita semasa sahaja.

I quoted this from one of my friends FB status:

" Pesanan Baginda s.a.w. dalam hadisnya yang bermaksud:
Daripada Nu’man bin Basyir r.a., Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: 
"Kemesraan, kasih sayang, dan saling berbelas, kasihan antara orang mukmin diibaratkan seperti satu jasad; apabila satu anggota mengadu kesakitan seluruh jasad akan turut serta berjaga malam dan merasa panas dan gusar." - Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim. "

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan pencarian kehilangan kapal terbang MH370 ini. Tabahkanlah keluarga mereka. aamiinnn..


Originally it is a 'Kembara 2 Roda' that turns out to be 'Kembara Bus No. 11'.
A sub-program to promote Cre8tive Week that will be held next week.

Idea and plans from 3 gadis pemikir that went through the hard work and complicated procedures.
The idea is changed due to the unavoidable circumstances and time constraint.

Anyhow, it was a succeed because of the support, trust and great teamwork from everyone.
Thank you so much.

The journey is not end yet.

This 'Kembara' will continue next week.
More expectations will come up.
More commitment needed from each member.

All the best for us.
May Allah eases our planning, aamiinn..


Saturday, 1 March 2014


kalau dengki tak ke mana
kalau dengki sangat tak kemana

dengki dengan mata
tak kemana lihatnya

dengki dengan hati
tak kemana rasanya

makin hitam ada

tak berusaha
salah siapa

satu jari tuding orang
4 jari balik diri sdiri

tapi salah ke kalau dengki

dengki la nak dengki
jangan lupe perbaiki diri

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

luahan sisipan

aku rasa kadang-kadang dunia ini terlalu mencabar
terasa sempit dan perit yang tak tertahan di dada

hasad dan dengki merata-rata
aku tidak upaya untuk hapus ini semua

kiri, kanan, sebutkan sisi mana
pasti ada saje yang tak kena

terasa banyak sangat persaingan nya
terasa terlalu payah untuk dikejarnya

kadang-kadang nak menangis pun ada
nak mengadu, tak tahu kat sape

Allah Allah Allah

bila rasa syukur tu nak datang?
bila diri nak berubah?

terduduk sendiri pon ada
bila kalah dengan nafsu durjana

buat salah konon taubat boleh cover
bukan ke munafik dah namanya

hukum diri sdiri nampak kejam juge
tapi kalau bukan kite, siapa?

pernah aku rase
bukan, sering ak rase

aku tidak wujud di mata mereka
seakan siapa aku di sini
sekadar nama yang membawa suara

tika aku lantang bersuara
idea itu ini diberi kan mereka

disusuk aku dengan pujian melata
ingat aku suka?

bukan aku marah pada mereka
cuma puji biarla kena pada tempatnya

sekali dua, boleh aku terima
itu lumrah
kalau berkali, tak ke riak menjelma

pada kamu dan mereka

aku diam bukan bermakna aku tidak tahu
aku memberi peluang

jangan pula kamu memandang rendah
pada yang tidak bersuara

mungkin suara tidak kedengaran
tapi otak tetap berjalan
ada hati dan perasaan

aku berkata bukan beerti aku tahu semua
cuma mahu berkongsi kata dan idea

aku diajar idea dan pandangan itu untuk dikongsi
sebab ianya dari Tuhan belaka
bukan dari akal cetek aku semata
bukan dari pengalaman yang kamu kira dalam telah aku telan

tersedak bila mana terasa diri hipokrit
mana kamu tahu aku dan mereka hipokrit

sebab kamu lebih dari setiap segi
yakin nya kamu akan ikhlas dan jujur nya diri

ibadah nya itu awalnya juga dipaksa
ikhlas bukan kita yang periksa

mungkin itu bukan tentang aku
mungkin tentang kamu
cuma pandangan aku yang kamu boleh kira

terfikir juga aku

nak sedar tu macam mudah
sedar diri tu siapa
bukan orang yang berkuasa
sebab ada yang Maha Kuasa

air mata pon kadang tidak berguna
kalau masih di takuk lama

aduan, tangisan, dan keluhan
sia sia
kalau tidak diambil iktibarnya

aku kata aku tidak tahu mengadu pada siapa
itu dusta
aku mengadu pada yang aku percaya
tapi itu bukan semua

di situ sahaja tempat paling aku kira
selesa mengadu
mudahnya berkata-kata
pada Allah yang satu

aku kira tulisan aku
kamu boleh kenal siapa aku
ini aku kira
bukan kisah ak semata
pasti kisah kita semua

untuk sekian kalinya
maafkan bila aku kasar berbicara
di sini
untuk kamu dan mereka
maafkan aku
aku tahu aku salah dan aku pasti akan ubah cara

takut jua undang rasa yang tidak kena
dengan tulisan yang tidak seberapa
tapi ini luahan
yang aku kira dari aku semata

bacalah kamu dengan mata hati
bukan dengan prasangka


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Doa Dhuha


Sempena jatuhnya tarikh hari ini pada hari Khamis. Hari orang puasa sunat. Hari khamis. Alhamdullilah. Nak share satu doa yang sangat la sedapppppp

jom doa sama sama =D

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

new new new its NEW YEAR! 2014 hip hip




old-fashioned thinking


underestimate people

shuuhh shuuhhhh GO AWAY!!

positive mind

think tanker

give more support

get works done


keep humble

stay young

stay confident

be pretty

big smile!!

come come come to mama bebeh =D =D =D

gambar sekadar hiasan. hewhew