hello there~
tiada tempat laen yg better than this blog to express my feeling
i feel so touched if whenever somone would really appreciates my hardwork or even i had done the work not much as he/she xpected.
wel...i'm always appreciated others works but me..nobody..if felt sad.. really sad..
its not that ia m so eager to get the appreciation...but at least.. dont make things bigger and make fuse bout it.. it really made me mad.
say bout sacrifice..yes,i will sacrifice a lot to do whatever i really want to do...but it seems that..aarrgghhh!!!
u know me for ages but u still dont know how i do my style in doing a complete job..hell yeah,yet u dont know..yet u still make...arh make my head explode!
u need to know that once i anticipate in doing that job, no one could stop me...ever! but...if u still force me but i really don wanna do it..i wouldnt do it!!!! thinking over it again and again really makes me feel the anger troughout my body and it want to come out! but still,i need to keep calm and remains calm (even sumtimes im not) in order to respect he/she because i love him/her...
sorry for making u upset because of me..chinca,saranghe~ <3
"ya Allah..kau permudahkanlah jalan kerjaku.."
the one who got hurt